2023 Q1 Goal Setting

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Hello Lovelies, and welcome back to the blog.

It’s a new quarter, which means it’s time to set some new goals, so let’s jump straight in.

Here we are back at the Kanban-style Trello Board. If you’ve been here a while, you’ll already be familiar with this, but for those that aren’t, I use Trello as a digital sort of Kanban board. I still have categories for my tasks, but I don’t use the “to do, doing, done” modifiers. They all just stay on their lists and I modify the cards within them with checklist tasks that are small and actionable. In other words, either I complete them or I don’t.

I’ve already talked about my yearly goals in another post, so let’s jump right in and you’ll see how my quarterly goals match up with the goals I set at the beginning of the year.

Writing – 55 Goals 

Last year, I wrote a book and a half worth of second drafts in the Multiverse and Me trilogy. I intend to write another book and a half this year. To start, the second draft got extremely dicey at the end of November’s NaNoWriMo. I need to fix what I just bashed together and I also need to redo some of what I already know was bad with the start of the second draft of the first book. My goals therefore, are to get what I already have written back into workable shape in order to continue writing the draft of the second book, hopefully in March.

As a side project, I do still have a few scenes and some songs in a playlist to figure out for my romance novel, Work it Out. My brain has officially wiped itself off this project so this has gotten more difficult, but I do want to actually have these few items finished before I  drop the outline-that-should-not-be into the abyss.

Business – 6 Goals 

I have a shop called Hello Lovelies where I create high quality, (mostly) writing-related downloads and printables for you to use in your writing practice. I try to add one new thing per month to my shop to increase the amount of shop items available, but also because I’m constantly trying to make useful things for myself and my own writing practice, and I want to share them with all of you.

This serves two purposes. One is that I continue to build my online shop more intentionally than I have been since I started it. The other is that it forces me to get comfortable with talking about my shop and products here on the blog.

On that topic, if you have writing-related downloadable items like infographics, spreadsheets, or something of that nature that you have ideas for and think others might be willing to pay a small amount to have already designed for them, I’d love to hear your thoughts on what they are so that I can look into creating them for you in the future! Definitely tell me in the comments section of this post!

I also have a Patreon where you can find exclusive, behind-the-scenes content. If you like my blog, podcast, or any of the content I produce, and want to help cover the costs of producing and maintaining the content, consider buying me a tea once a month over on Patreon.

Marketing – 26 Goals 

As is usual, I intend to keep up with both my blog and my podcast by posting at a rate of one blog or episode per week.

More than that though, I want to “get ahead” a little bit. When I actually DoThEtHiNg and get ahead, even for a few days, I feel so much less stressed. It does not necessarily equate to more writing time, but what it does equate to is freeing up space in my life and my mind (for things like beating The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for the first time in my life)! Things get cleared off my task list that have been sitting stagnant forever because I am constantly behind, or barely on time with the blog and with the podcast.

Travel, Training, Meetings – 3 Goals 

I am going to try to set up one writing-related meeting per month with my bestie. I do also have a discord for writers, if that’s a thing you’re interested in joining. The link’s waiting for you below!

Join the Discord for Authors Like You!

Quarter 4 Overall – 90 Goals

At the start of 2023, I have 90 goals, and because this post is coming in Mid-January after I setup my year goals and my focus word, you can see that I’ve already made progress toward some of those goals already.

Discussion Questions

  1. How often do you set goals and how often do you check in with them?
  2. How was your quarter? 
  3. How many goals did you set and how many of them were you able to accomplish?

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