How to Find Readers for Your Book on Social Media


If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking about how to get readers for your book. You know it’s all about the marketing, and that getting readers is the key to selling more books. So I asked myself: what do successful authors do when they’re launching a new book? Do they have different strategies? And if so, what are those strategies? After all my research, I came up with some simple ways authors can find new readers and sell more books!

Use hashtags.

  • Use hashtags that are popular with your followers.
  • Use hashtags that are related to your book topic and genre.
  • Use a combination of all three, for example: #gothicromance#historicalfiction#vampires

Be active on social media.

I’ve already mentioned that social media is a great place to find readers for your book. But how do you actually go about doing it?

Well, the first step is being active on social media. That means posting regularly and posting interesting content–not just advertising your book over and over again! If people see that all you’re doing is spamming them with ads for your book, they’ll stop following you and unfollowing will become inevitable. So don’t be afraid to ask friends or family members who love books if they’d like some help keeping up with what’s happening in the industry; if they do agree with such an offer, then thank them profusely because this will make everything much easier for both parties involved (especially since most people hate having their time wasted).

Create a hashtag for your book launch.

Creating a unique hashtag for your book launch is essential. It’s the best way to make sure that everyone who wants to talk about your book can do so in one central place, and it makes it easier for readers and fans alike to find out about any new developments or announcements.

Here are some tips for creating an engaging hashtag:

  • Use something short, memorable and easy-to-remember (like “booklaunch”) rather than long strings of numbers or letters that don’t mean anything unless you already know what they mean (like #A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9JKL1M2N3O4P5Q6R7S8T9U0V1W2X3Y4Z5).
  • Don’t use any words people might find offensive–especially if those words are related directly back to the subject matter of your book! If someone searches online while looking up information related specifically toward topics discussed within these pages then there’s no point whatsoever having them stumble upon something unpleasant instead; instead just give them peace-of-mind knowing everything will be okay once they start reading more deeply into things themselves.”

Follow your readers on social media.

You should follow your readers on social media, and not just to see what they’re up to. Following them ensures that you’ll be notified when they like or comment on one of your posts–a great way to keep in touch with fans who are interested in what you have to say.

If you want to take it a step further, consider using a tool like Hootsuite or Buffer (both free) so that when people comment on one of your posts, their username shows up as an alert inside the app instead of just popping up as an email notification in Gmail. This way, if someone left me a great comment at 10pm last night but I didn’t see it until morning because I was asleep (which happens often), all I’d have to do is open my phone and click through all my latest alerts from Hootsuite instead of combing through dozens upon dozens emails looking for new ones!

Set up your social media account(s) for the book before launch day.

  • Set up your social media accounts before your launch.
  • Create a username that is easy to remember and share.
  • Follow other authors and people who are relevant to your book. This will help you build connections, get feedback on what you’re doing right (or wrong), as well as gain exposure for yourself as an author! Try following people who have similar interests as yours; if they like what they see, it’s likely their followers will too!
  • Post pictures of your book cover(s), quotes from the book(s), links where people can buy copies of those titles–and anything else related to the content within each one–to get readers excited about learning more about what’s inside each one!

These tips will help you find new readers and sell more books

  • Use hashtags.

Hashtags are a great way to connect with people who will be interested in your book and help you find new readers on social media. When you create a hashtag for your book launch, use it regularly throughout the campaign so that people can easily search for it on Twitter or Instagram.

  • Be active on social media.

It’s important to be active on social media so that people know who you are and what kind of content they can expect from following/friending/liking/sharing with you–it helps build trust between author and reader! Also, don’t forget about setting up all of those accounts before launch day.


I hope that you found this article helpful in your journey to becoming a bestselling author. If you have any questions about social media or marketing your book, please reach out to me! I love helping authors find success by sharing my knowledge with you and helping you reach new readers through effective use of social media platforms.

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